Peach Pie

It was our daughter, Lauren's, birthday a few weeks ago and we traveled up to Vermont to celebrate with her.  Since she has been old enough to request a menu, her birthday dinner has been fried chicken and peach pie!  So I'm happy to share my peach pie recipe with you.

For a 7" pie

1½ cups flour
Pinch of salt
½ cup cold butter, diced
About 4 tablespoons ice water

Combine flour and salt and toss in butter cubes.  Using a pastry blender, start to cut butter into flour.  When manageable, finish rubbing in butter with your fingers - forming “flakes”.  Add the water and toss with a fork to blend.  Turn out onto a sheet of wax paper and bring dough together.  Form into a disc, wrap in the wax paper and refrigerate for an hour.

If you choose to make the pastry in a food processor, simply pulse the butter with the flour and salt until you see small lumps - about 6 10-second pulses - then add the water and pulse just until dough starts to come together.

Divide dough more or less in half and use the larger portion to form the bottom crust.  Roll out between two sheets of wax paper as demonstrated,  remove the paper and turn into pie pan.  If the crust is too soft, place back in the refrigerator or freezer for a few minutes.

Roll out second portion of dough and cut into strips with a pastry cutter or knife.   Return to refrigerator.

Peach filling:

4 cups peeled, sliced peaches
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
A few gratings of nutmeg
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon butter,

Combine the sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and flour in a small bowl then add to peaches and toss with a spatula to combine.

Pour peaches into the prepared crust, dot with butter cut into small pieces, top with the pastry strips to form a lattice top, crimp sides and bake at 400° for 15 minutes.  Lower heat to 350° and continue baking for about 30 minutes or until peaches are bubbling and crust is nicely browned.

Allow to cool before serving with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


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